
C6 Register

Model details of the Citroen C6

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Lexia Location (only if available to others)
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YIJ-985JM1941FinlandDeep RedExclusive3.0 PetrolAutomaticMot and in useNoFinC6
CX56 FFMEnglandGanacheExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticSold or TradedNoRich
GJ08MRXEnglandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoValleybuoy
G8VNTScotlandMauritius BlueLignage2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNogmerry
GPP805GL57SD0New ZealandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoauntieflo
OTU-924SÖM-BM108FinlandFulminator GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNocitrique
AZP274SwedenFulminator GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoulrik88
sf57vadscotlandDeep RedExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoPennan
GJ59RBFUKStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoGTS
CP43XXXFranceThorium GreyExclusive3.0 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoVDS C6
ME KJ XXXGermanyGanacheExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNojomonh
SC09DOUScotlandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNowally
C6 HNDEnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticSold or TradedNoEX Dave Mc
UA26285NorwayFulminator GreyExclusive3.0 PetrolAutomaticMot and in useNohl
SU C 6001GermanyMauritius BlueExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useYesSankt AugustinPappnase
V6HDISwedenBlackExclusive3.0 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoCX87
C17JWPRV06EGCEnglandIron GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNopattersonoxford
PU 734 OKCroatiaNova GreenExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useYesRovinjPeho
61 FTRGL57SBVEnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useYesLondon if you know hrogerandoutman
AP07NPZEnglandDeep RedExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoJason
GL07 MVTEnglandBlackLignage2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoSGC
RNZ5898NORTHERN IRELANBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoaarfon
FSK 329EnglandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoBruceB
WYG 821SwedenBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useYesSkåneHenrik Almquist
07D25349IrelandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useYesCo. Kildarecruiserphil
X6 JGCScotlandBlackLignage2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoJimC
AR 99 YNFRomaniaIron GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoa_lascu
FV07BYFEnglandIron GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoBvhout
ORZ - 539AB-092-DB (FR)FinlandDeep RedExclusive3.0 PetrolAutomaticMot and in useNosaxmaniac
C6 FEDGL06MXMENGLANDStorm GreyExclusive3.0 PetrolAutomaticMot and in useNofrankieman
LB07JCUEnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNociao_chao
GJ57 NXPEnglandStorm GreyLignage2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoC6Pilot
-SwedenIron GreyExclusive3.0 PetrolAutomaticMot and in useNomagcar
-SwedenBlackExclusive3.0 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoDavidK
GF08ZZWWalesStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoExtant
PD42230NorwayMauritius BlueExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoolep
DO556STITALYBlackLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNobigmario
EA07 UVUEnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNowasted
MB HZ 909SloveniaDeep RedLignage2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoxandrej
-SwedenAbyssal BlueExclusive3.0 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoDavid K
GJ59 0MXEnglandThorium GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNobthelene
NU07 RJOEnglandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoChris Burmajster
cjz 165SwedenStorm GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useYesMotala swedendatmbn
YXD627BelgiumFulminator GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNode_mettes
SO06WXXEnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoGreenBean
GJ60 ZTBEnglandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoreedam
RO06 HRGEnglandSable GoldExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNobelstone
KU07 AXMEnglandMauritius BlueExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoprww1966
CP07KFZEnglandIron GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNojamesh
GJ59OMREnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoneal2175ds

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